Alan Irgang LCSW


Mental health provider, Substance use/abuse, addiction, and/or recovery provider

Over 20 years experience in private practice and other settings providing mental health services for the LGBT community. I also coordinate the Wisconsin Department of Health Services transgender treatment program at a secure treatment facility.

My treatment orientation for TNG clients is based on your goals and spans early gender identity development through complete social and medical transition. I take a very sex-positive stance on the diversity of sexual identities, practices, and relationship structures.

You are the expert in your journey. My role is to help guide you in finding meaning in problems, to inspire hope, and to celebrate your success in transcending challenge.

Diversity is the fabric of humanity. I enjoy working with people of diverse racial, ethnic, gender, and sexual identities

Provider’s Gender: Cisgender, Man

Provider’s Pronouns: he/him

Provider’s Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Provider’s Race: White/European descent

Provider’s Languages: English

Language Interpreters Available: No

Cost for Language Interpreters: N/A

Insurance Accepted by Provider: Blue Cross, BadgerCare Plus, Medicare, Private insurance, PHCS, Care Wisconsin, Multiplan

Other Payment Options Available: Fee-for-service, Sliding Scale

Types of Visits Offered by Provider: Office visits, Electronic visits (e.g., E-therapy, Telemedicine, etc.), Phone consultation/counseling/etc.

Types of Counseling/Therapy Available: Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, Couples Therapy

Area(s) of Specialty: Abuse & Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Gender Transition and Expression, LGBTQ+ Identity, Sexual Orientation & Sexual Health, Relationship and interpersonal challenges, Career counseling, Substance abuse

Types of Transition-related Letters Provided: Gender marker change, Name change, “Carry” letters, Gender Confirmation surgery

Letter requirements: Informed Consent

AODA Services available: Individual counseling, Co-occurring disorder treatment

Treatment based on 12-step model? No

12-step meeting attendance required to receive other services? No

Types of ID accepted to receive services No ID Required

How old must a person be to receive services? 5

Parent/guardian consent required for minors under age 18 to receive care? Yes

Accepting new patients? Yes

Informed Consent model for transition care Yes
Large volume of Trans patients Yes
2+ years’ experience working with Trans people Yes
5+ years’ experience working with Trans people Yes
10+ years’ experience working with Trans people Yes
Significant experience monitoring hormones for Trans patients n/a
Significant experience monitoring puberty blockers for Trans patients n/a
Intake forms are Trans inclusive (paper and/or electronic) Yes
Patients can easily change name and/or gender in records Yes
Has process in place to allow different name and/or gender marker in records and for insurance/billing Yes
Correct name and gender on all records and print-outs (wristbands, orders, lab results, etc.), regardless of legal name or gender Yes
“All Gender” bathrooms available onsite Yes
All bathrooms onsite are “All Gender” Yes
Has received training in providing Trans affirming care Yes
All staff in practice/office have received training in providing Trans affirming care Yes
Enforces Trans-inclusive nondiscrimination & anti-harassment policies Yes
All services are open for people of all genders Yes
Gender-specific services open for Trans people based on identity and/or comfort, not legal or birth-assigned sex n/a

6 Yellowstone Court
Madison, Wisconsin 53705

Business Hours

Monday: 10-6
Tuesday: 10-6
Wednesday: 10-6
Thursday: 10-6
Friday: 10-6
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Closed

Office Location Type: Stand-alone office

Is Provider Office Accessible/ADA-compliant? No

Parking/Transportation Available at Provider Office? Free street parking, Within 1 block of a bus line/other public transit

Contact Information

 (608) 203-8115
 [email protected]

43.065050, -89.494150