Ronni Hayon MD

Medical Doctor

Primary Care medical provider, Sexual health provider (including HIV and other STI testing)

Since 2008, I have been providing full spectrum family medicine to people of all genders. “Full spectrum” family medicine means that I take care of patients of all ages throughout the life span. I care for adults, children, pregnant people and babies in both the clinic and hospital settings. In regards to care that I provide that is specific to TNG people and their families, I assist people in gender transition by being a patient advocate, writing letters, prescribing gender-affirming hormones, making referrals when needed, and helping folks navigate the health care system. I also help families of all kinds on the journey to parenthood, including providing in-office inseminations (IUI) when desired. I work hard to create a space that is safe for people of all genders to access the health care system and get the care that they need. Currently my practice is open only to new trans* patients, and babies that I deliver.

Provider’s Gender: Prefer not to disclose

Provider’s Pronouns: she/her

Provider’s Sexual Orientation: Queer

Provider’s Race: White/European descent

Provider’s Languages: English

Language Interpreters Available: Yes

Cost for Language Interpreters: Free

Insurance Accepted by Provider: Unity / Quartz, Blue Cross, Dean, Wisconsin Medicaid, Wisconsin Well Woman Program, Medicare, Private insurance, Medicaid, PPLUS, GHC

Other Payment Options Available: If uninsured or underinsured, the UW does have a Community Care program and a Medication Assistance Program that can help with medical bills

Types of Visits Offered by Provider: Office visits, Home visits

Area(s) of Specialty: Family Practice, Gynecology, Trans health

Types of hormone services provided: Initiate hormone therapy, Continue/maintain hormone therapy from previous prescription, Continue/maintain hormone therapy from previous non-prescription use (DIY, “street,” etc.), Hormone-related monitoring/blood testing (CBC, liver/kidney function, lipid panel, etc.), Onsite injection required (patient must return for each dose), Safe intramuscular (IM) injection training for patients, Safe subcutaneous injection training for patients, Insertion/removal of puberty blocking implants if prescribed/managed by pediatric endocrinologist.

Other transition-related care provided: Ongoing therapy/counseling, System navigation, Referrals

Other health services available at office: Laboratory, Phlebotomy, X-Ray, Ultrasound, Pharmacy

Trans-specific sexual health services offered: Support/services for sex workers who are TNG

Types of Transition-related Letters Provided: Gender marker change, Name change, “Carry” letters, Gender Confirmation surgery, I would consider writing any letter that may be of use to a client

Letter requirements: Informed Consent

Types of ID accepted to receive services Unsure

How old must a person be to receive services? 16

Parent/guardian consent required for minors under age 18 to receive care? Yes

Accepting new patients? Yes

How long is provider’s waitlist for new patients? n/a

Informed Consent model for transition care Yes
Large volume of Trans patients Yes
2+ years’ experience working with Trans people Yes
5+ years’ experience working with Trans people Yes
10+ years’ experience working with Trans people Yes
Significant experience monitoring hormones for Trans patients Yes
Significant experience monitoring puberty blockers for Trans patients Yes
Intake forms are Trans inclusive (paper and/or electronic) No
Patients can easily change name and/or gender in records Yes
Has process in place to allow different name and/or gender marker in records and for insurance/billing No
Correct name and gender on all records and print-outs (wristbands, orders, lab results, etc.), regardless of legal name or gender No
“All Gender” bathrooms available onsite Yes
All bathrooms onsite are “All Gender” No
Has received training in providing Trans affirming care Yes
All staff in practice/office have received training in providing Trans affirming care Yes
Enforces Trans-inclusive nondiscrimination & anti-harassment policies Yes
All services are open for people of all genders n/a
Gender-specific services open for Trans people based on identity and/or comfort, not legal or birth-assigned sex n/a

Northeast Family Medical Clinic
3209 Dryden Dr.
Madison, Wisconsin 53704

Business Hours

Monday: 8-5
Tuesday: 8-5
Wednesday: 8-5
Thursday: 8-5
Friday: 8-5
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Office Location Type: Stand-alone office

Is Provider Office Accessible/ADA-compliant? Yes

Parking/Transportation Available at Provider Office? Free parking lot/structure, Within 1 block of a bus line/other public transit

Contact Information

 (608) 241-9020

43.128988, -89.357041